2024 in a deck: Tyrell Castamere

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
"Monkey Bizz" - 2nd and Best Tyrell in Espada Blanca (28p) 3 3 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

Lannister 600

Hi folks, sharing this deck as I feel like it is time to close a chapter. This year this deck and its small variations led me to some cool achievements and many best Tyrell titles I am proud of, and regardless of crashing at Stahleck, I still feel it can be a great baseline for any of you to build from!

Finalist in Espada Blanca (Valencia)

3rd in Barna Dohaeris (Barcelona)

Finalist in Spanish Nationals (Zaragoza)

Winner in Friendly Open - s13e02

Winner in Friendly Open - s13e05

Super proud of the success of all my Catalan mates in Stahleck this year. Specially SerCarter and his killer Uniting the Realm deck. What a champ!!!

Time to build new cool stuff! Let's kill it in 2025 :)


mak 324

Thx for sharing your year performance Chris! Well done with your Green cards!

Lannister 600

Thanks my friend

SerCarter 291

You are the elite of our meta man. Hell of Year

Lannister 600

Coming from the World Champion those are big words. Big hug mate

hagarrr 835

Nice deck. Lots of great results with variations of the list! Congrats!

Lannister 600

Thanks mate!