Standy & Steady

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Standy & Steady 0 0 0 2.0
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JamieLu 15

My third version of a Tyrell-Wolf deck after some play testing. It is built around several combos like Left & Right, Margery & Randyll, Highgarden & Jousting contest, Paxter Redwyne & Olenna’s Cunning. Sneak attack is the finisher-big power with as many renown characters and strength boosts as possible.


ram_muai 105

why you need stark as banner? i see all combos are tyrrel self made so fealty is not a choice?

JamieLu 15

Well, originally the deck was planned as a Randyll Tarly and Ned Stark defensive team standing over and over. Gradually, Ned Stark’s importance decreased, but the extra renown still helps. Sansa’s power gain also contributes a lot, as well as Arya’s stealth. In testing I found a Tyrell fealty deck very susceptible to tears or milk on a renown character, but it may be stronger now that Sansa’s rose is an option.