2nd- Tyrell Banner the Rose aka Rose NA - Taming Dragons

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Widied 58

Mono Rose deck with all the good stuff Tyrell... and Varys. We did four rounds and a cut to top two. The games I won were against: Tyrell NA, NW Rose, Stark Fealty. I lost once in Swiss to Lannister Wolf and then again in the finals to the same deck.

Favorable play usually centered around a key Varys turn where I had a couple of dupes out first. I have two summons in the deck for a reason! Other than that barges are great, left and right were so effective all day, and can't say enough about sansas rose... so good.

1 comment

grik 7

Great job today buddy.