Greyjoy Fealty

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Greyjoy Fealty 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Greyjoy Fealty 0 0 0 3.0

scantrell24 3334

Summons can be switched for Counting Coppers if you prefer. Normal opener is Calm over Westeros.


Darxsen 11

Interesting that you decided on Tears of Lys instead of Put to the Sword, I found that while 2 gold is a lot Asha and Theon and Iron Fleet Scout get you most of the way there to win by 5. I also want to just kill Tyrions, Melisandre and Jamies, so I can keep getting my challenges in. Not to mention just Balon makes it so easy.

What has been your experience? It seems you need Little Bird first to get Tears off... Hmm I'm sure it has its reasons so what am I missing?

scantrell24 3334

You might be right. I'll have to pay attention in future games and ask myself whether Put to the Sword would be more impactful than Tears when I draw them.

As far winning intrigue, Littlefinger and Euron are capable, and Scouts can boot my Shipwrights or Alannys as well. It's not that difficult.

Obviously Put to the Sword is a more powerful ability, but it's accordingly more expensive, and often out of my price range. Thus, Tears gets the job done well enough, killing Khal Drogo, Eddard, Randyll, opposing Balons and the like.

Darxsen 11

Good points, I was so focused on Iron Fleets boosting MIL for Put to the Sword, of course it can boost INT for tears as well!

Hmm seems to me I also run different plot deck which colors are perspectives differently. Double Sneak Attack makes Sword slightly more viable, and Tears a little worse since you only get the one challenge in your Sneak Turns.

I might be too focused on MIL with my build but its soo easy to get those unopposed when they have such a small board state.