Windy City Cup 2nd: Undefeated in Swiss

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Griznap 1

I played @WailingJennings at this tournament. He was an odd fellow. He kept looking above my head and pointing behind me with a look of pure horror on his face like there was a giant monster that was ready to attack. I thought he was kidding at first...

But he was serious. Super serious.

At one point, he jumped up and said, "Half-time show!" where he proceeded to snap his fingers wildly while waving his arms in a graceful, but dangerous way.

I nervously laughed as I thought my life was in danger. He sat back down, pulled his shirt over his head, and started giggling maniacally.

I scooped at that point.

After the game, he kept following me around and, at one point, tripped and a bunch of pictures of ME doing yard work fell out of his pocket.

He smiled. I ran.

It was a good deck with an amazing pilot.

WailingJennings 42

Steve Gillispie, I love you.