The Scattered Lords (Singapore Regionals Top 8)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

cowiee85 126

The deck i used to get into the top 8 for the GREX singapore regionals

  • its pretty standard and has the potential to close games on plot 3-4


Interesting deck, congrats on your top 8! Are there any changes you would suggest going forward? maybe more illyrio so you can use eddard twice in a turn?

cowiee85 126

Thanks Yeezus, Well i made a newer version after the regionals ended notable changes are

-1 Mirri Maz Dur

+1 Septa Mordane

+1 Sansa Stark

-1 BodyGuard

-1 Put to the sword

-1 Tears of Lys

I found this version to be more focused on Fast Ned and closes games faster giving up the board control it used to have. I did consider additional ilyrio but gold was difficult to come by in the games I played.