Freezing Iron

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Robs 1

Considering low initiative on 4 plots I'd switch both Raiding Longships into third Iron Mines and Pyke.

Mormegil 73

@Robs I see your point and considered it, but I just love the Mindgames that the Raiding Longship creates. That is very hard power-rush deck that really relies on Fishwhiskers and Balon, so you need to get the uo Pow-challs through. Raiding Longship is a way to guarantee it (aka Rise of the Kraken).

Glad you showed interest though, I'm new to ThronesDB so every bit of Feedback is welcome!

Robs 1

If you are focusing on power-rush why no Superior Claim ? Also Great Kraken is more valuable to power grabbing than The Seastone Chair, and you run two Chairs but only one Kraken.

No probs. I'm always interested in GJ/KoW decks hence the feedback : ]

Mormegil 73

Support of the People are copies number 2 and 3 of Great Kraken. Superior Claim is a very interesting suggestion I had not even considered, thanks.

Robs 1

Btw A Clash of Kings is also great plot for power-rush decks. It lets you grab the power also for winning power challenges on defense. I used it to great success, since opponents tend to forget about it.

Mormegil 73

That would be a great swap for wraiths in their midst maybe. Good idea!

Gil Of Thrones 1

I think you should take out Syrio x2 and Little Finger in place of 3x Seal Of Hand.

Robs 1

@jakehage6Wraiths in Their Midst is especially potent in KoW decks while followed by something that could shorten the hand even more and maybe gain some power like Heads on Spikes. Other than that I think it would be wise to switch to A Clash of Kings especially if the power grab is your focus.

@Gil Of ThronesI don't think dropping Syrio Forel entirely is that good of an idea, the additional stealth is really important if you plan on winning fast. I'd drop one for Pyke, tho.

Gil Of Thrones 1

@RobsI can see what you mean. My vision was to re-stand characters in order to block or block re-stand challenge. Especially in a Melee with multiple players. But I agree stealth is a game changer.