Tyrion pisses from the top of the World

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

kidohearts 1269

A few people played this at GenCon and then some were going to play it at some major events. So it stayed "secret and safe". Then as time passed, I forgot to post it, lol.

"I Know Nothing"


BillyDooku 110

Gave this list a try last week and I have to say my playgroup did not enjoy it.

I certainly did!

The plot deck is so aggressive.

kidohearts 1269

i have another one that i think is more devastating. i guess i have a thing for NW, as I am the creator of the NW-Kraken that did work during the SC season, lol.

BillyDooku 110

More devastating?? lol

Well you certainly brought another playstyle to the faction. One that's actually fun to play.

kidohearts 1269

did you see the NW-Kraken. you would like that too. its called "What is dead, Marches to the Wall". now thats an old list i haven't updated with all the new goodness yet. i will probably be releasing the new on in the FB groups soon so if people want something fun and different to play at Worlds or Worlds Celebration events. I know i will be playing it at mine, lol.

BillyDooku 110

Yeah I gave it a try the first time around. It was awesome!

Woody 1

What were the deciding factors on plot order for you? it looks like you just curb stomp as soon as possible and keep the pressure on!

kidohearts 1269

I actually haven't played this deck except a few times. I had a friend test it and he had very good results. In my theory crafting, i'm hoping to open with First Snow and then let it roll from there. I love following up with Famine then either Marched or Naval. If all is going to plan those would be the first 5 plots in some order. If i've had a good setup with like Ghost, reducer/raven, whitetree, and roseroad, I may consider opening Famine, maybe Naval but I doubt anyone would be silly enough to open with a kingdom. Now when I built the NW-Kraken, Naval wasn't a thing and I opened that 5 out of 6 times in a tournament and hit every time.

BillyDooku 110

From my experience Vary's Riddle is the opener of choice most of the time. Naval against greedy players.

Set yourself up then hit with First Snow followed by Famine/Marched.

Calling is best saved tonlay for Varys (and go second).

kidohearts 1269

Dooku has good points. If i set up 2 4 costers and they don't set up 1, i'm opening First Snow. just need to read the board.