Brotherhood Red Saturday List

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

--- 810


mattastrophic 724

How effective did the Valar/9x-save strategy prove on the day? How did it fare against Lannister?

--- 810

@mattastrophicas far as valar goes it worked as planned effectively have to eat rains triggers isn't great. The point thou is to eat valars and draw all the cards. it works ok

r480 158

What did you usally get with Olennas? Pleasure Tears? Don't you think it'd be better seal for this instead 1 tears? Nice dek, have one but with

--- 810

@r480with cunning you just get whatever's best for the situation there's no hard answer

blueeyedbanditt 1

Interested in reasoning on Wildling Bandit...I assume as an answer to Lannister $ gain during challenges phase? How'd it work out? Tx

Badeesh 28

What's Valar? XD Thanks for posting. Cool ideas.

Kakita_Shiro 994

Wildling Bandit is a cheap two-icon character with some upside in a Lannister-heavy meta. I wouldn't call it "an answer" to Lannister.

--- 810

@blueeyedbanditt it's just a chud with the icons we wanted

HidaHayabusa 73

Have you experimented with Little Birds? I guess with so many saves you can spare a Bodyguard and an event to get to 2 Little birds for Asha/Theon/Victarion.