Tyrell Summer Renown

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Tyrell Summer in Valar meta 1 1 0 4.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

scantrell24 3334

It's not flashy, but it's remarkably consistent. I'm debating 3rd copies of the renown characters.


r480 158

Doesn't political disaster screw you a little with pleasure barge? Why not 3x Renly?

scantrell24 3334

@r480With Political Disaster, I'm usually keeping Arbor and Highgarden, or worst case, Arbor and Roseroad or Shadowblack. It really hurts the Bara dominance decks, Greyjoy, Night's Watch, and some Lannisters.

What would you recommend cutting for a 3rd Renly?

r480 158

Don't cut anything, be brave, go strong and play 61 cards :D I'd probably cut 1 knight of summer or a copy of Loras, depending on your meta.

r480 158

*grow strong (damned autocorrects...)

Knight Of The Blackwater 136

Why no nightmares?

scantrell24 3334

@Knight Of The Blackwateryou could slot 3 Nightmares into almost any deck without being wrong. But I went a different direction here, in part for synergy with Shadowblack Lane, and in part because these events are more interesting