King of Swiss: Rochester, NY Regional

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
No Funny Stuff: Ep2 - Tyrell Lord of the Crossing 3 1 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

Banjo 97

Some folks were asking me to post my deck list but I have to give full credit to Sirlargeness for posting his deck for me to copy pasta.

I played this deck at Michigan's Regional getting stomped by Chris Thompsons Alliance deck in the top 4 after going 4-1 in swiss and this past weekend in Rochester going undefeated and getting stomped by Roy Rogers nights watch deck.

2 Things to note about this deck; 1. Is its consistency. This deck never crapped out on me like most decks I play (baratheon) =(. I always had dupes and I always saw at least 2 - 3 of my good characters. 2. This deck is stupid fast. If you see at least one superior claim its ridiculous how fast you jump up in power. Although most of my matches of the day were still close games in terms of power I just always felt I had the upper hand on board state, and because this deck runs valar with a lot of dupes and saves you have the ability aggressively Valar and abuse Margaery.

I think a lot of my success of the day came down to my matchups 2 Tyrell, 2 Greyjoy and 1 Stark. I somehow managed to dodge the Martell player, Lanni Rains and Nights watch players. And as soon as I saw the top 8 cut I had a feeling I was not going to make it far.

Regardless how well your deck or you perform there will always be decks that will give you a hard time and control is definitely one of them.

It also sucked that the majority of my opponents were part of my meta 4 of 5 matches. And the one local I played against I've met and played with tons of times. One of my favourite parts about playing this game is meeting new people in the community and having great fun matches.

My MVP cards were arbor knight and Margaery including special guest Valar Morghulis. (Don't leave home without valar)

I'm also looking forward to going to my first Gen Con this year and meeting some great people in this community.

And as they say in Canada, Peace oooooooooooooooot!!!!

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