New deck: House Lannister, The Lord of the Crossing
PhoenixInferno 15
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
New deck: House Lannister, The Lord of the CrossingPhoenixInferno 15
New deck: House Lannister, The Lord of the CrossingGarvy 1
The Vengeance of Villa TopoStuart 8
Lanni Sun 2.0Ravenlord04 27
Lanni Sun 2.0Ravenlord04 27
Lanni Sun 2.0Ravenlord04 27
Lanni Sun 2.0Ravenlord04 27
Red Dead Redemption (2nd place, 12 player Regionals, GautierAgamemnon316 1 Other
New deck: House Lannister, Banner of the DragonTMind 1
The Lady and the Lords of Lannister (Rochester Regional)The_Red_Throne 20
New deck: House Lannister, The Lord of the Crossing, 2nd "Prm4estro 7
Big Dumb IdiotsAleaRasa 1
Lanni-Sun (Atl. Regional 5-7-16)killerangel1863 1
Don't piss off CerseiArgeDaBigBeardedBarStud 1
MartellionTheElros 19
Lion LotC - Store Championship winner (C4)Gaishi 12 Formal
New deck: House Lannister, The Lord of the Crossing (clone)2surud 1
Leaping Lionsgantrithor22 1
Leaping Lionsgantrithor22 1
Lanni controls the SunRavenlord04 27
New deck: House Lannister, The Lord of the Crossing (clone)Sleepa 1
Board Controlgeozog86 1
multiway one core set House Lannister, FealtyDansen 20
Lord of the Criss Cross make you Jump jumpAkethadar 7
The Lannisters sends their regards.J4cK 18
I Never Bounce Against My Familyomgitsblake 189
My First Lanni!! :Dmuushupork 1
New deck: House Lannister, The Lord of the Crossingsurud 1
First Snow of BAMF! Wolves BoxSyd 16
No more lion around.Timberwolf 7