Targaryen kill-overwhelm.
Akenaton249 2
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
Targaryen kill-overwhelm.Akenaton249 2
Controlled Burnalaric11 1
New deck: House Targaryen, Fealty-smokiswierma 2
Targ and the RoseAceidol 15
Targ Lion NMGscantrell24 3398
New deck: House Targaryen, Banner of the LionPhoenixInferno 15
Targ Lionscantrell24 3398
Targ LotCSamPigden 7 Formal
House Targaryen, Banner of the SunLAWbringer 1
New deck: House Targaryen, The Lord of the CrossingPhoenixInferno 15
Burnie SandersAzeltir 2
New deck: House Targaryen, The Lord of the CrossingPhoenixInferno 15
New deck: House Targaryen, Banner of the LionJackpls 2
Targ/Rose for a new metaimabunneh 361