Night Gathers and Hear Me Roar
Baldesser 37
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
Night Gathers and Hear Me RoarBaldesser 37
Blood Money (House Lannister/Banner of the Dragon)The_Red_Throne 20
Lannister/rose controlArshalag 1
New deck: House Greyjoy, Banner of the LionAjtaflan 1
New deck: House Greyjoy, Banner of the LionAjtaflan 1
House Targaryen, Banner of the Lionhallas 1
Lannister controlShurdus 40
Of Stags and LionsShurdus 40
All Roads Lead To Highgardenredmonkey 30
Jaime Drogo (I love Drogo)gucat 7
Merchant Prince of the LionDrakk 8
Mo' Money, Less Problems v2.0 (Lannister, Fealty)The_Red_Throne 20
Make Them HellbentDavFlamerock 2
control his deck :Dphantombrygger 1
Dragons and Lionsdreamy 50
Hear me watchLegacygio 29
And who are you?JPLovecraft 56
New deck: House Lannister, Banner of the Roseslevin38 1
New deck: House Lannister, Banner of the Stagslevin38 1
The sneaky krakionmstrickland002 1
Stak lanni lateArshalag 1
Mo' Money, Less Problems (Lannister/Fealty)The_Red_Throne 20
House Lannister, Fealty bwbuzwut 13
Lannister ControlC3gorach 55
Rose on a Lion's HeadMetalMatan 1
Rose on a Lion's HeadMetalMatan 1
Rose on a Lion's HeadMetalMatan 1
2 Core, Taking the Black. Sorta MinicurveGhostlyChimera13 2
New deck: House Targaryen, Banner of the LionCrow2006007 1
African Sabana (two core)Jovenabuelo 46