2 cards



During challenges, reduce the cost of each event you play by 1 for each blood token on Sea of Blood. You cannot play events during or challenges.

Reaction: After you win a challenge by 5 or more STR, kneel your faction card to place a blood token on Sea of Blood. Then, search your deck for an event, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck.

Tim Durning
Kings of the Isles #45.

Link: Decklists

Sea of Blood


You cannot include neutral events in your deck.

Action: Discard 1 blood token from Sea of Blood to reduce the cost of the next event you play this phase by 2.

Reaction: After you win a challenge by 5 or more STR, kneel your faction card to place a blood token on Sea of Blood and search the top 10 cards of your deck for an event, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck.

Tim Durning
Redesigns #49.

Link: Decklists

Sea of Blood

2 cards