120 cards

Name Faction Cost Type STR Traits Set
Melisandre House Baratheon 6 Character 5 Lady. R'hllor. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 1
Edric Storm House Baratheon 5 Character 5 Bastard. The Seven. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 2
Ser Clayton Suggs House Baratheon 3 Character 3 Knight. R'hllor. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 3
Stormlord House Baratheon 4 Character 6 Ally. Lord. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 4
Red Keep Servant House Baratheon 3 Character 4 Steward. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 5
Shadow Assassin House Baratheon 2 Character 4 R'hllor. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 6
The King's Justice House Baratheon 1 Attachment Title. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 7
Aquired by the Crown House Baratheon 2 Attachment Condition. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 8
Narrow Sea Galley House Baratheon 2 Location Warship. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 9
Northern Pyre House Baratheon 1 Location R'hllor. The North. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 10
A New Hand House Baratheon 0 Event Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 11
No Crown but Truth House Baratheon 0 Event Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 12
Ralf the Limper House Greyjoy 6 Character 5 Captain. Ironborn. Raider. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 13
Theon Greyjoy House Greyjoy 5 Character 4 Ally. Lord. Ironborn. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 14
Moqorro House Greyjoy 3 Character 3 Ally. R'hllor. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 15
Orkmont Elite House Greyjoy 6 Character 6 Army. Raider. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 16
Shipborn Bastard House Greyjoy 3 Character Ironborn. Bastard. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 17
Wandering Disciple House Greyjoy 3 Character 4 Drowned God. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 18
Smiler House Greyjoy 1 Attachment Warhorse. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 19
Raider's Scythe House Greyjoy 2 Attachment Weapon. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 20
Lonely Light House Greyjoy 1 Location House Farwynd. Iron Islands. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 21
Southbound Galley House Greyjoy 2 Location Warship. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 22
Naval Bombardment House Greyjoy 1 Event Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 23
Taking the Shield Islands House Greyjoy 0 Event Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 24
Crawn, Son of Calor House Lannister 5 Character 4 Clansman. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 25
Ser Osfryd Kettleblack House Lannister 4 Character 4 Commander. Knight. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 26
Gyles Rosby House Lannister 3 Character 3 Lord. Small Council. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 27
Ashemark Councilor House Lannister 5 Character Ally. Spy. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 28
Tyrion's Agent House Lannister 3 Character 2 Spy. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 29
Alchemist Apprentice House Lannister 2 Character 2 Ally. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 30
Joffrey's Crossbow House Lannister 2 Attachment Weapon. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 31
Slander and Lies House Lannister 2 Attachment Condition. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 32
Lannisport House Lannister 3 Location The Westerlands. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 33
Wildfire Barge House Lannister 2 Location Warship. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 34
Good as Gold House Lannister - Event Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 35
The Regent's Council House Lannister 0 Event Small Council. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 36
The Red Viper House Martell 7 Character 6 Lord. Small Council. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 37
Ser Manfrey Martell House Martell 5 Character 2 Knight. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 38
Ser Guilian Qorgyle House Martell 3 Character 3 House Qorgyle. Knight. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 39
Ghost Hill Elite House Martell 6 Character 6 Army. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 40
Dornish Diplomat House Martell 4 Character 3 Ally. Spy. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 41
Southron Informant House Martell 1 Character 1 Spy. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 42
The Viper's Spear House Martell 2 Attachment Weapon. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 43
Guerrilla Tactics House Martell 1 Attachment Skill. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 44
Yronwood House Martell 2 Location Dorne. House Yronwood. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 45
River Barge House Martell 2 Location Warship. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 46
A Toast to the King House Martell - Event Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 47
Retribution House Martell 1 Event Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 48
Benjen Stark The Night's Watch 6 Character 5 Ranger. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 49
Dirk The Night's Watch 5 Character 2 Ally. Ranger. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 50
Wick Wittlestick The Night's Watch 4 Character 3 Ally. Steward. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 51
Northern Envoy The Night's Watch 5 Character 5 Companion. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 52
Greyguard Artisan The Night's Watch 3 Character 4 Builder. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 53
Convert Beyond the Wall The Night's Watch 1 Character 1 Wildling. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 54
Mutineer's Blade The Night's Watch 3 Attachment Weapon. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 55
Torch and Oil The Night's Watch 1 Attachment Item. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 56
The Black Gate The Night's Watch 1 Location The North. Old Gods. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 57
Grey Galley The Night's Watch 2 Location Warship. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 58
Seventy-Nine Sentinels The Night's Watch 1 Event Legacy. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 59
When All is Darkest The Night's Watch - Event Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 60
Tytos Blackwood House Stark 6 Character 4 House Tully. Lord. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 61
Howland Reed House Stark 5 Character 3 House Reed. Lord. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 62
Steelshanks Walton House Stark 3 Character 3 Guard. House Bolton. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 63
House Umber Berserkers House Stark 4 Character 6 Army. House Umber. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 64
Northern Patriarch House Stark 4 Character 3 Lord. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 65
Trident Guard House Stark 3 Character 3 Guard. House Tully. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 66
The Warden of the North House Stark 2 Attachment Title. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 67
Dubious Loyalties House Stark 1 Attachment Condition. House Bolton. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 68
Winterfell Kennels House Stark 3 Location The North. Winterfell. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 69
White Knife Barge House Stark 2 Location House Manderly. Warship. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 70
Above the Rest House Stark 0 Event House Tully. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 71
"Wolves in the Hills" House Stark - Event Song. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 72
Magister Illyrio House Targaryen 6 Character 5 Lord. Merchant. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 73
Harry Strickland House Targaryen 4 Character 3 Commander. Mercenary. Knight. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 74
Red Lamb House Targaryen 2 Character 3 Companion. Lhazareen. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 75
War Elephants House Targaryen 5 Character 10 Elephant. Mercenary. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 76
Sorrowful Man House Targaryen 3 Character 3 Ally. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 77
White Graces House Targaryen 2 Character 1 Grace. Lady. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 78
Queen of Meereen House Targaryen 2 Attachment Title. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 79
Poisoned Locusts House Targaryen 1 Attachment Condition. Poison. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 80
Slaver's Bay House Targaryen 3 Location Essos. Slaver's Bay. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 81
Qartheen Galley House Targaryen 2 Location Qarth. Warship. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 82
Take To The Sky! House Targaryen 0 Event Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 83
Stallion Who Mounts the World House Targaryen - Event Prophecy. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 84
Baelor Brightsmile House Tyrell 7 Character 6 House Hightower. Knight. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 85
Megga Tyrell House Tyrell 4 Character 4 Lady. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 86
Butterbumps House Tyrell 3 Character 2 Fool. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 87
Horn Hill Elite House Tyrell 6 Character 4 Army. House Tarly. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 88
Undercity Spymaster House Tyrell 4 Character Ally. Spy. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 89
Agent of the Citadel House Tyrell 3 Character 3 Maester. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 90
Enameled Green Armor House Tyrell 3 Attachment Item. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 91
Unseen Influence House Tyrell 1 Attachment Skill. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 92
The Whispering Sound House Tyrell 2 Location The Reach. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 93
Trading Galley House Tyrell 2 Location House Redwyne. Warship. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 94
Beneath the Petals House Tyrell 2 Event Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 95
Growing Influence House Tyrell 1 Event Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 96
Lysa Arryn Neutral 7 Character 3 House Arryn. House Tully. Lady. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 97
Biter Neutral 5 Character 5 Ally. Mercenary. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 98
The Bastard of Driftmark Neutral 5 Character 3 Bastard. Small Council. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 99
Alleras the Sphinx Neutral 3 Character 2 Ally. Maester. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 100
Elder Brother Neutral 4 Character 4 The Seven. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 101
Harrenhal Cupbearer Neutral 3 Character 3 Spy. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 102
Candle in the Dark Neutral 1 Attachment Item. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 103
The Warden of the East Neutral 2 Attachment House Arryn. Title. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 104
Myr Neutral 4 Location Essos. Free Cities. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 105
Ibbenese Whaler Neutral 2 Location Ibben. Warship. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 106
The Milkwater Neutral 1 Location The North. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 107
"Widows Ford" Neutral - Event Song. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 108
Reinstatement Neutral 2 Event Small Council. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 109
Battle Beneath the Wall Neutral Plot War. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 110
City of Shadows Neutral Plot City. Scheme. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 111
Doom of Valyria Neutral Plot Legacy. Omen. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 112
The War of the Five Kings Neutral Plot Noble. War. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 113
The Minstrel's Muse Neutral Plot Noble. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 114
The Age of Heroes Neutral Plot Legacy. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 115
Striking at Dawn Neutral Plot Summer. War. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 116
Strained Reserves Neutral Plot Winter. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 117
Armed to the Teeth Neutral Agenda Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 118
The Small Council Neutral Agenda Small Council. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 119
Trading with Braavos Neutral Agenda Banner. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 120

120 cards