House Stark. Loyal.
Attachment. Cost: 3.



Attached character cannot participate in challenges against you.

Forced Interrupt: When attached character leaves play, sacrifice a character you control.

JB Casacop
Guarding the Realm #22.

Link: Decklists

Marriage Pact

Rules FAQ:

  • Attached character cannot be declared as an attacker/defender against the Pact's controller, and cannot enter challenges using card effects (e.g. Wardens of the North, Winterfell Kennel Master, Summer).

  • Note that the Forced Interrupt triggers before attached character actually leaves play. So if multiple characters leave play simultaneously (Valar Morghulis, Wildfire Assault, Marched to the Wall), you can sacrifice a character that would be killed or discarded anyway.

  • If Crown Regent redirects a challenge in which attached character is participating to the Marriage Pact's controller, attached character gets immediately removed from the challenge.
mplain 239
"Note that the Forced Interrupt triggers before attached character actually leaves play" Does that mean that I could choose the character it was attached to as the sacrifice? If not, why is it different to multiple characters leaving play at the same time? — nikotinlaus 621
If you attached Marriage Pact to your own character, then yes, you could sacrifice that character in response to that same character leaving play. I'm not sure why you'd want to attach Marriage Pact to your own character though... — mplain 239
what about valar dohaeris? — mabadw 1
What happens if i jump a Marriage pact (with skagos for instance) on a character that has already been regularly declared in the challenge ? Is he still participating to the challenge ? — Timmy 59


Question sent to Danny Schaefer:
Hello Daniel! A question about Marriage Pact: [text of Marriage Pact]. If I attach Marriage Pact to my own character (e.g. in order to protect it from Unexpected Delay), can I declare it as an attacker or defender?
Should I read "challenges against me" as any challenges in which I am the attacking or defending player? Or should I read "participate against me" as referring only to characters controlled by my opponents? I'd assume the latter, but Dany's text is very specific: [text of Daenerys Targaryen (Core)].
I'm not sure if this wording is just supposed to be extra clear, or if "participating in challenges against you" actually includes characters on both mine and my opponent's sides.
Danny Schaefer's reply:
Hello! The latter interpretation is correct. The character is prevented from participating “against” you in a challenge, but could still participate in a challenge in your side, as you are not taking part in the challenge “against” yourself. Daenerys’s card includes the “on an opponent’s side” text for added clarity. Thanks! Danny Schaefer