Plot. Income: 5. Initiative: 2. Claim: 1. Reserve: 6. Plot deck limit: 1.

City. Siege.

Limited cards cannot be marshaled, played, or put into play.

Thomas Denmark
Fire Upon the Grass #60.

Link: Decklists

City Blockade

Rules FAQ

  • The word "cannot" is absolute, and cannot be countermanded by other abilities. In other words, City Blockade will always prevail over cards like Taxation or Elinor Tyrell.

  • The constant ability of City Blockade is already active when the When Revealed abilities of plots are resolved, so it will stop At the Gates from putting a limited location into play. In fact, if there are no City plot cards in that player's used pile, that player will not even be able to add the limited location to their hand. It will simply be shuffled back into the deck.

  • You cannot marshal or put into play limited cards even if they would enter play as a duplicate.

  • The phrase "marshaled, played, or put into play" covers almost every way in which a limited card could be "played" while this plot is revealed. The only way a limited card could enter play is if an effect that removed it from the game expires (for instance, Coldhands leaving play and a Lannisport Moneylender returning to play as a result).

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