House Lannister. Non-Loyal.
Character. Cost: 3. STR: 4.

Ally. Small Council.

Shadow (3).

Reaction: After Qyburn comes out of shadows, choose a non-Army character in an opponent's dead pile and put it into play under your control. At the end of the phase, if that card is still in play, remove it from the game (cannot be saved).

Rafal Hrynkiewicz
The Iron Chronicle #85.

Link: Decklists


Rules FAQ

  • You cannot put a unique character into play from an opponent's dead pile if you or that opponent already control a copy of that card in play, or if there is a copy of it in either player's dead pile. (See Unique cards in play and in the dead pile.)

  • Even if Qyburn is no longer in play or if his text box has been blanked, the character is still removed from the game at the end of the phase.

  • The character cannot be saved from being removed from the game, but it can still be prevented from leaving play by an ability such as The Crone. If that happens, the character simply stays in play under your control.

  • If the character leaves play before the end of the phase, it always goes to its owner's out-of-play area. For instance, if it is placed in shadows by Banished from the Light, it will go to its owner's shadows area.

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