"Fealty in disguise" [Winner Norvegian Nats 2022 - Joust]

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Robb of Norway 7 2 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

lady_eliz 19

This is the deck I played at Craster's Keep (Norvegian Nationals 2022) a few days ago: as some players asked the list, i'm happy to publish it, even if I really don't think it's either an original or a particularly strong build. It went good that day, in a specific field (never got to consider using PD!). And that 1x Reek did wonders :D. To quote a friend of mine - who happens to be the current World Champ' - the deck looks like a "Fealty in disguise" more than a "true" Crossing. He is probably (certainly) right, as it was originally inspired by Argento's Fealty, and then adapted to a Crossing I would be able to play correctly (byebye new Skagos^^, welcome Alysane, which is definitly good in Crossing). Anyway, it worked fine, and allowed me to bring home an unexpected title, in addition of the wonderful memories of a fantastic weekend at Craster's Keep. Huge thanks to the amazing Norvegian meta for organizing it, it was a blast!

1 comment

Reader 298

Huge congrats Eliz WP

2 Sweetsleep attachments and you saw the second round two... that totally destroyed me LOL

The inclusion of some of the more traditional Fealty cards such as Winterfell, worked really well in Norway, which is what made your list interesting.