New deck: House Tyrell

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

mcd1982 12

  • This deck is intended to win by manipulating the challenges phase.
  • The deck contains numerous ways to boost a character's strength, along with abilities that can stand characters and remove them from a challenge, allowing you to unexpectedly swing a losing challenge into a win.
  • You can also increase your strength in a challenge where you're already ahead in order to use one of the card abilities that require you to win by 5 or more strength (or, you can give out strength boosts to characters who get extra benefits from them, like Randyll Tarly (Core), Ser Jon Fossoway, and Brienne of Tarth (HoT)).
  • Another advantage of the deck is to quickly find the cards you need in a given situation, either by drawing cards or manipulating the top cards of your deck.

Ways to upgrade:

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