Lanni Kills Things

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Zrowrequiem 124

Wanted to post this rains deck I've been having a lot of fun with (please like and subscribe so that I can get more slots for deckbuilding).

I was very inspired by new Castamere to come back to probably the first deck I ever played (lanni rains) and try to abuse the new card as much as possible.

I am still unsure if the combo is legal based on a discussion on ironthrone from my initial question, but have been playing it as such. The plan is to do a challenge with Cersei Lannister (Core) and then flip The Spider's Web. The way both Castamere and this are worded should allow you to choose the order in theory - increasing the claim resolution of Castamere.

Follow this up with military and there shouldn't be much left. The most I have been able to hit is six kills (Spiders Web, Tyrion trigger, Cersei to add claim) then 2 claim military after. Wildfire Assault allows you to reduce the board enough to clear it in the turn (or next plot phase with Marched to the Wall).

Bonus points if you can also take 5 cards from hand on the same turn.

Tyrion Lannister (LoCR) and all the clansman friends provide the tricks necessary to thin the board and hit the triggers.

Someone please correct me if this is wrong as it's been very mean and my group would appreciate it.


Req 7

I'm not sure what you mean with the combo: -win intrigue by 5 with Cersei -flip Spider's Web -apply intrigue claim 2 -apply military claim 2 At this point you can do another intrigue claim 2, but you won't have Castamere anymore on the board. The ideal scenario would probably win the first intrigue as usual without Castamere, and then trigger it on the second intrigue with Cersei for claim 3 on both intrigue/military

Zrowrequiem 124

I am still unsure - but the way both are worded I think the military claim in challenge 1 would immediately be 3 if spider's web is triggered first.

YuleOoze 234

As far as I know you are right. You raise the Int Claim to 1+1+1 and trigger Castamere afterwards. That results in a military claim for 3. It would be nice if @Odrl could clarify this and put it into the FAQ for Castamere. TiT also doesn't calculate it correctly right now. Thanks in advance!

BlaiddDrwg 1

I see zero issues with the combo. The wording is very clear. Both Castamere and The Spider's Web react to applying int claim, so you can trigger them one after the other, resolving the web fully before castamere is triggered. And since keywords have not even been resolved yet, you certainly satisfy being in an int challenge to have the claim raised when you trigger castamere.

@Zrowrequiem, on completely different note, do all the jumpy cards work well enough as pseudo eco, that you can get away with only running 8 gold boni (the cost curve seems pretty intense to me)?

Also, do Moon Brothers and Rains not get in the way of each other?

Zrowrequiem 124

@BlaiddDrwg That was what I thought, hopefully will work on tIT at some point.

The gold has been working out so far. I think in maybe 1 of 5/6 games I have run out of steam or the draws have not lined up. However, I have been thinking about a second late summer feast instead of bran the builder as I usually do intrigue first and swap out (meaning only one trigger for either).

Moon brothers is really important here and provides more value than rains when Tyrion is out. 1) Lets you surprise win intrigue by 5 and keep an attacker to follow up for mil when Castamere is in play. 2) Can be used to increase claim/gain gold for another clansman with Tyrion. 3) My choice of schemes is very narrow compared to other Rains - moon brothers is a generally good faction kneel to keep pressing the attack.