Green and Blue Lords

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Powermauler 14

Simple deck that tries to gain power as quickly as possible while being resilient to wipes.

Main objective is to get high value characters on the board as quickly as possible such as Renly Baratheon (FFH), Randyll Tarly (Core) and Margaery Tyrell (AMAF). Margaery in particular is extremely important, allowing you to recycle bad lords for good ones. Heir to the Iron Throne does the same trick.

Plenty of renown across the board with some str increase and stand to go along and a couple of bloody cups for the unopposed wins. Gold econ is very good, draw can suffer a little so Oldtown and Renly can help with that.

Only real threat is Valar Dohaeris, try not to have Margaery down until you have a save available.

Played this in a friendly open and went 3-1.

Game 1 was against red door Sentinel Stand, it was a close game but First Snow came in handy. And I won on the fifth round.

Game 2 was against The White Book very close game but he drew dupes and I didn't and his VM just about won him the game.

Game 3 was against Trident, got off to a good start and won easily by the third round.

Game 4 was against The Faith Militant. My opponent got Ser Lancel Lannister (HMW) down early with a dupe but I managed to use the bloody cup to remove him in the 7th round for a well fought win.

1 comment

Tomotto 24

Just built a new deck with lords (Tyrell/Stark). Have a look (The Lords burn down the houses). Thanks for the inspiration.