Jojen Paste

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

DayneNight 16

Yet another Uniting the Realm deck from me. From a first look, there's no way this deck could be optimal. I was hoping to reach out and take any and all advice to make it as good as it could be.

Deck Idea: There's not too many legal cards in the game that will force card draw. Jojen Reed and Hotho Humpback were some non-loyal examples I was able to build this deck around. I just need to be able to put him in challenges and then stand him. Until I get Syrio's Training or Syrio Forel on the field, Greywater Watch helps me to get Jojen in on every challenge possible. Afterwards depending on the opponent's reserve value, if Nightfall is attached to Jojen, reserve can be checked multiple times within a round.

Standing Cards: Tower of the Hand (BtRK): If there is a winter plot card out, I could stand Jojen if I bring Queensguard or more importantly Greywater Watch out of shadows.

Queensguard: Whether or not this is detrimental to my chances of victory, every time Jojen stands I will more often than not discard the card I drew from Jojen to use Queensguard again to build up my opponent's hand depending on their reserve value.

Mercenary Contract: Since Jojen has stealth, it isn't too hard to win challenges sometimes. Pay the gold and stand him back up. Tyrion Lannister (Core) helps out with this.

Ser Hyle Hunt: Most often than not, Jojen is also the lowest STR in challenges. I can stand him with Hyle. Same for Maester Ballabar.

Shandystone: Same as before, if I defend with Jojen I most likely will lose and be able to stand him.

Plaza of Pride and Margaery's Influence just go for the same idea.

Delena Florent would ruin me aside from many other forms of counterplay to this deck. I will continue to strive to make cool and fun Uniting the Realm decks. Some ending thoughts here. Perhaps it would be best to run Greyjoy as the main house to get Sea Song instead of using Stark for Greywater Watch. But Greywater Watch was House Reed so I guess I was going for theme haha.

I am open to any and all feedback!

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