House Targaryen Loyalists

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Dzerards 166

Played against a few Fealty Targaryen decks on OCTGN and it is always a tough match-up, but winnable if you can get though the mid game.

One thing I noticed was (due the the small card pool and the Fealty deck building requirements) my opponent would usually have Dany and the Dragons all duped up at least once, if not twice, by turn 3-4. To me, this seems like the perfect set up to drop and pop Varys. The combination of first using Targ burn effects to remove any of their duped characters then using Varys to clear their entire board while keeping the core of your own intact seems incredibly strong if you can pull it off.

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