Lion/Stag - Edinburgh Spring Tournament Winner 01/05/2016

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

usman2308 2

I took this deck to the Games Hub Spring Tournament and went undefeated 4-0, winning my first tournament.

I played against -

Greyjoy/Crossing, Lannister/Crossing, Targaryen/Lannister, Greyjoy/Fealty

I managed to keep control of the opponents board using the R'hllor cards. Paid Off helped when winning intrigue challenges and using it on a turn when I had Tyrion Lannister out was nice.

I did face Mirri Maz Duur, but wasn't much of a threat. I just over committed to win challenges (blocking with Tywin) and made sure to keep her under control using kneel effects and Nightmares.

Cersei Lannister and Trial by Combat followed by a military challenge was very effective, helped keep the board under control.

I don't remember the rest of the tournament details, feel free to ask questions!

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