This is Why My Friends Hate Me

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
This is Why My Friends Hate Me 3 2 4 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

Yakhunter 331

This is a janky deck I built to just be a hateful person. If your opponent still has a hand at the end of any turn you played it wrong.

Be the awful person you know you want to be. Slap Motley on your opponent and then force them to defend with Dornish Paramour. Did they win? Who cares take dat card! Did you win? Even better, TAKE ALL THE CARDS!

Opponent thinks they can attack you now? NOPE you just Arianne'ed in Hotah . Suck it other guy! They did it anyway and won? HVE or VFE! LIVE...THE...DREAM. This deck is all about SPORTSMANSHIP.

Opponent is playing Winterfell and won't let you do any of that? Well just don't play against him, this is THE sportsmanship deck. You don't have time for Winterfell. Make him feel so bad he just doesn't play it in his deck anymore. VICTORY.

Updated because Booo. Thanks chriswhite for the catch.

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