Summer - Bara Dom

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Athens Regionals (28 players) Winning Deck 18 12 9 1.0
Inspiration for
Stags of Summer! 0 0 0 1.0

darknoj 62


Lohn 25

Why no lightbringer? Seems an original deck anyway

darknoj 62

i had been playing a weapon focused bara deck form some time and wanted to move away from it. The lack of attachments make running lightbringer less useful because its sure to get fit by my opponents confiscation or my own if they do not play attachments.

Lohn 25

In my deck I play lightbringer, milk and little birds to ensure confiscation gets rid of only one of them, I agree with you, no attachment or much of them. Did you test the deck? Results?

QQGreygoose 20

This is really close to a deck I refined for my buddy a few weeks back, he was able to win a summer kit event with 12 players. One of the biggest difference is the pyros, how do you feel about them?

darknoj 62

Lohn: I built the deck in only a few minutes and have not had the chance to play it yet. I am sure it would be tweaked a fair bit if i was to take the time and play it vs all the top decks. That being said i think the base is soild.

QQGreygoose: I think their are many strong decks these days that leverage key locations like the wall, red keep, winterfell, white tree, name a ship in GJ.... The pyromancers not only take care of these but allows you to win the dom game vs other dom decks by taking out their iron throne.