King Stannis Holds the Wall

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

euphius 249

Seeing lots of variations of this posted, so want to share my version of this. Ran it in a recent SC in Rockville, MD (my first ever tournament) and went 3-1 in swiss, but missed the top 4 cut we had due to strength of schedule and a 4 way tie for 2nd at 3-1. It matched up REALLY well against Lanni/Kraken and NW decks in test plays and only struggles against severe aggro decks.

Round 1: NW Fealty: When you set up the wall and draw into an iron throne and painted table first turn it was just a matter of keeping him from disabling my wall. He was never able to punch through my defenses, so each turn we would both gain wall, I would win dom, I would steal one of his two wall power, and I would gain 3 to his 1. A Feast for Crows and Winter Festival both triggered successfully as well. Add to it that he had to over extend to try to kneel my wall so I could counter attack and steal power on the turns I went second...done in 4 turns.

Round 2. Lanni Rains: Bad opening hand after mulligan (City Watch a Steward at the Wall and a Shadow Tower Mason were my setup) met with an opponent opening with Tower of the Hand, a Kingsroad and Harrenhall. Let the bouncing mess commence. With new Tyrion, Moon Brothers, Jaime (bouncing him) and a Burned Man he pretty well smashed me and I could never get set. The extra claim was hard to deal with...especially when all my real core deck cards were missing and he could trigger every trick every turn. Probably not my best matchup to begin with.

Round 3: Martell Winter: This was the most lopsided win I got on the day. He never won a single challenge. Set up the wall, castle black, roseroad, and two reducers. Drew into iron throne, a milk and two cravens. Nymeria got milked, Tyene got cravened, by the time he could actually do anything I had a full board state, all my power gain locations, and had the game locked.

Round 4: NW Fealty: Pretty much the same deck and same result as round 1. Set up the wall and a few blockers. The painted table came out round 2 and started it swinging into my favor. He nightmared my wall twice to make the game last longer, and got his own Iron Throne out so I had to count on Edric to swing dom in my favor and be even more passive than usual, but it was over on 5th turn and wasn't really close.

I'll admit I got lucky with my draw schedule and my draws in the quasi mirror matches were nearly perfect for countering what pure NW deck could do since I could let them gain their power and the painted table just let me take some of it for myself even if I never attacked.

It was a fun deck and I may tweak it and keep going with it in future tourneys, but probably will switch things up for the next Tournament. Feedback is welcome.


SonOfBattles1 442

Very cool! I see 3 Melisandre but not many other R'hollor cards. Did you find yourself missing usual Baratheon includes like Seen In Flames to trigger kneels? Also, I'm in the MD area as well and have been looking for local tournies. Where was it held in Rockville?

euphius 249

I considered it, but kneel was more of a bonus than a need. I have the R'hollor set more for intrigue icons really than the kneel. Probably will swap 1x Craster for for 1 Mel now for some anti-reset protection. If I replace any events it may be to swap in another 2x of In the Name of Your King for the other 2 events. That card was big for me when I drew it.
Tournament was at Dream Wizards. Our group of 6-7 actually plays normally on Tuesdays at Games and Stuff in Glen Burnie. Dream Wizards has weekly Thursday game nights which I can't make.
There is another local Store Championship next week (1/21/17) at Canton Games in Baltimore.