Tulsa SC 2017 3rd Place

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Kennon 263

Round 1 – Lannister/Kraken In this game, he was able to get out to an early lead with about 9 power by the third turn utilizing Asha and the Mountain along with a couple of saves. I wound up going ahead with Valar on turn 3 in order to knock out unprotected Hound and Victarion along with clearing out his saves. This let me stabilize and eventually get a critical mass of renown characters. I had luckily ended the first turn with a triplicated Renly and was able to get a duplicated Renly in play on the Valar turn to eat claim. I soon added Knight of Flowers and Brienne out but had to fight to keep him off of a power win. This came down to a final turn when I drew into a Condemned to take away his final power icon (on Tywin!) so that I could swing with Renly, Brienne, and KoF for the win.

Round 2 – Stark / Lords of the Crossing I thought I had a nice 4 card setup going into this game and was able to play The Arbor on my first marshalling. I had hoped this would let me build a quick resource advantage to swing the game in my favor, particularly with my duped Brienne, duped Randyll, as well as Arianne and Renly in hand. Unfortunately for me, he flooded the board with characters and saves. I flipped Wildfire Assualt on turn 2 in order to try to slow things down, but I continued to just draw expensive characters from there out but no control. He re-flooded the board as I tried to maneuver into a position to Valar. I spent a whole turn on Jaqen so that I could get rid of a duplicate on the Blackfish and then lose him to Valar on the next turn, but he still had so many saves that he was able to use his remaining characters to close on the next turn.

Round 3- Stark / Fealty This was a fast game. I set up the Arbor and had a ton of icon control attachments. I was able to get a triplicated Renly out on the first turn and a duplicated Nymeria. Unfortunately for him, this left me in a very superior Valar position, so I cleared his board and then rode a way of icon removal, Renly draw, and resource advantage to a quick rush of power that he was unable to stop.

Round 4 – Lannister / (Rains of Castamere?) I seem to have missed taking notes on this match somehow, but I seem to recall that it was Rains. My apologies if this or my vague memories of the match are incorrect. Still, I do recall that this was a solid, tense game. He was putting on some hard early pressure with Lions Cersei while I tried to stabilize and keep his board trimmed down. Unfortunately for him, I was able to largely empty his hand on counterattacks and keep his board trimmed down despite his ambushing clansmen. Eventually, he was forced to bounce his Cersei with Tower of the Hand in order to keep her away from Valar, but the tempo hit of losing that 7 gold investment along with some power pushed him too far behind. He was unable to replay her and the game turned quickly in my favor from there.

Top 4 – Stark / Lords of the Crossing This was a rematch against my round three opponent and this time I was determined to find a way to win. I opened with a respectable amount of icon control and a Jaqen, so I felt pretty confident in my ability to attack his duplicates and leverage myself into an advantageous position to Valar. I knew that if I could just get one full (or nearly) reset off, the game was likely to swing heavily in my favor. I dropped Jaqen in my first marshalling, only to have him Milked. This was frustrating but not the end of the world as the Valar tokens stay and I had confiscation in my plots. I hammered him with challenges this turn and was able to get him down to a single card in hand. Next turn I Confiscated the Milk of the Poppy on Jaqen with the plan to turn things and promptly had him Milked again. The single card that had survived in his hand… was another Milk of the Poppy. From here, I fought to stall as long as I could and drew the game out longer than our first match but unfortunately, he still had a pile of saves that I was unable to deal with and he took the W.

1 comment

action_johnny 745

Great read Will, interesting build you have here. I really like the House Florent Knight/Renly's Pavilion combo you've got going on here. Part of me wonders if it's worth dropping either Brienne of Tarth or The Knight of Flowers and going up to x3 of either Brienne or KoF and x3HFK to really hammer it home.

I'm a little skeptical about Jaqen H'ghar as a card. He seems like a poor man's Mirri, and she's not faring particularly well in this meta, with Craven, Valar Morghulis and soft control flying about all over the place. I wonder if this slot would be better served by a sneaky copy of the old The Queen of Thorns, maybe to get a bit of bonus extra synergy going with the HFK and the [Olenna's Informant].(/card/01189).

I'm guessing you're planning on dropping Caswell's Keep for Renly's Pavilion? I like that card so much I'm gonna run it x2, what do you think is the right number there?

Events wise, how do you find Tears of Lys in the current environment in terms of effectiveness? In a save heavy meta, is it worth the slot? I'm not the biggest fan of Tears, but that's just me.

Congrats on doing well at your tourney bro!