Baratheon - Rose Banner: Power Rush
The Leper Affinity 3
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
Baratheon - Rose Banner: Power RushThe Leper Affinity 3
Cervi coi Tentacolipapella 3
2 Core - House Targaryen, Banner of the SunTheBeardedDan 43
Stark / Lanni Murderscantrell24 3398
2 Core - House Targaryen, Banner of the SunTheBeardedDan 43
2 Core - House Lannister, Banner of the StagTheBeardedDan 43
Baratheon / Krakenscantrell24 3398
House Targaryen, Banner of the LionAlexfrog 266
House Targaryen, Banner of the LionAlexfrog 266
New deck: House GreyjoySuperPatch 7
Targaryen Fealty kill "aggro-control".C3gorach 55 Other
Break the WheelWaffle 5tomper 33
Baratheon - Rose Banner: Power RushThe Leper Affinity 3
Family, Duty, Honor (Expansion - 5 Decks, 2 Cores)Temosh 19
Steel Thorns (Expansion - 5 Decks, 2 Cores)Temosh 19
Tom's fanficHollaWalah 8
House Stark ControllWosho 76 Other
Daisy the Wonder Dogriadsala 15
Fast Fishriadsala 15
New deck: House Targaryen, Banner of the RoseJcdenton71 15
A Garden of Roses and LionsWaffle 5tomper 33
lannyrellNoda 2
You win or you dieZeetro 45
[Kraken + Bara] Kneel & killmorphineForOdin 37
House Stark, Banner of the RoseJager 7
Put Flowers into your Lionspapella 3
New deck: House Baratheon, Banner of the KrakenJcdenton71 15
New deck: House Stark, Banner of the RoseAlexfrog 266
Robert's Reigndaninrl 17
"The Rains of Castamere" - singer Tywin LannisterBodya 24