Robert y familia hacen de las suyas
doimeadios 39
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
Robert y familia hacen de las suyasdoimeadios 39
The Fire Rises (Top 8 - 5th of 25 Barnegat, NJ)linkingverbs 197 Relaxed
New deck: House Tyrell, Banner of the StagAndreizh 2
The wall is dark and full of terrorsnicogm 100
Tyrell WatchersBr0kenWarr99 7
Single Core Set: Baratheon/Krakenvalarissa 7
Dan Solo's deck: House Targaryen, Fealty (2W, 1L & 1Mod L)DanSolo 79
House Tyrell, Banner of the Dragonsaymekian 29 Relaxed
The most noble child the gods put on this good earth.K3lit0 7
MagRainpumiketo 1
Greyjoy / Tyrell: Rush?scantrell24 3398
Stark deck pro PavlaCorvo 31
Wach werewulf's comingGaishi 12
Flowers & Bloodsubpoenaduece 19
Kill them all!House Stark, Fealtyzsc529441040 7
| Long May She Reign |SYX 65
Stark intro decksubpoenaduece 19
New deck: House Baratheon, Banner of the RoseLatzcko 13
FreySinople 31
Steel Thorns (HoT Expansion - Sample Deck)Temosh 19
Family, Duty, Honor (WotN Expansion - Sample Deck)Temosh 19
The Loan Plan (SoD Expansion - Sample Deck)Temosh 19
House Greyjoy FEALTY . TOP 4 Santiago - (1st 2.0 Chilean Tdahaka 21 Other
The White Book: Lannister Dragon (ep 227)PulseGlazer 367
Chair Control (with Card Selection Ideas)Pindle 2
Fun in the Surf & SunshineNeuvost 20
Lords of light and IronSetfiretoflames 8
Classic Baratheon KneelC3gorach 55
Stark FealtyC3gorach 55
House Martell, Fealty bwbuzwut 13