The intimidating House Frey

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

eusebio66 291

This deck is about having fun playing House Frey. In fact it is not the most competetive deck. For example I went 2:4 in Swiss of Champions of Westeros Online League running three times in a Targ Burn Deck. But it gives you good chances to have a good time annoying your opponnents ;) The idea behind this deck is simple: Use the keywords given by TBWB wisely. The most wanted keyword for this deck is intimidate. So playing this deck you want to go first in mostly every round. If your opponent wins Ini and choses to be 1st player, insight is the keyword to chose.

Lets have a look on the plots:
Barring the Gates: We all know this is an Anti Flea Bottom and Martell card. Useful in this deck, although it has only Initiative 2.
Calling the Banners: Great card gives you 6 or 7 gold and good ini.
Marched to the Wall: Great effect, very good ini.
Political Disaster: I love this card. Play it in the late game, when hopefully The Twins are duped and income is not that important anymore. Can be a game changer.
Time of Plenty: A good starting plot. In first round many players decide to go second, so the Ini is here not that important.
Trade Routes: Play it the round before you Political Disaster is played ;)
Valar Dohaeris: Nothing to say about this card. Works fine and has ini 5.

Whats the idea behind the choice of characters?
Rattleshirt: One of the most important chars in this deck. Give him intimidate and you can almost surly kneel a 5 Str character while attacking with ony one card. Be careful with attching the milk on the opponents characters. Dont milk a char, who has both an pow and a mil icon. Rattleshirt does not like that.
Ser Jaime Lannister (Core): He works perfect here with Crow Killers. Give the Crow Killers a keyword, put Jaime on their side and trigger it twice (or threetimes while having Casterly Rock on table). If you dont have Crow Killers ready on table, it is still Jaime and he is strong ;)
Walder Frey: My favourite card in this deck. He works perfectly with Frey Lordling and of course with Genna Frey . In fact this guy was the reason to build this deck. His ability does not to be triggered (which is very good) and gives you the ability to use the keywords from the agenda twice. Give the Lordling intimidate and kneel two characters. Unfortunately he has only Str 3, so he his a very easy target for all the Targaryen killing effects.
Genna Frey: Underrated card, that does not make its way in many decks. For this deck, she is perfect. In combination with Walder (or some other Frey dude) and The Twins, she is able to discard four cards from an opponents hand. Nice. And she is an unique Lanni char, not that unimportant for Treachery.
Frey Bastard: House Frey cards for The Twins and to fight alongside of Genna. But mostly for military claim of course.
Mag the Mighty and Jaqen H'ghar: Very fun cards to play. Be careful playing Mag. Can be crucial to your own deck. But nothing is more intimidate than a big giant on your side. Both cards help to clean the board and both cards work very well with "The Last of the Giants". Play them and have fun with them.
Lem Lemoncloak: Three cost and four strength bicon guy, which can be a target for the Agenda. Easy choice.
Rattleshirt's Raiders and Begging Brother and Lannisport Merchant: They do what they are supposed to do. Nothing less and nothing more.

Locations and Events:
Scaling the Wall is about handling the The House With the Red Door Agenda. Play this event and clean the opponents hand with Genna.
The Twins: One of the keycard in this deck. Can be used to clean the board (maybe with the help of Put to the Sword and or Jaqen and Mag) or to clean an opponents hand with Genna. Clearly your opponent does not want to lose the third challenge. So if you dont win that, he surly has to kneel some strong cards on his site.
Nothing to say about the other cards ;)

I hope you enjoyed this description. I am looking forward to read your comments.

One last thought:
After the Kingsmoot Chapter Pack came out, I was thinking, if House Baratheon is the better choice for The Brotherhood Without Banners Agenda. I built an intimidating Bara-Kneel deck (with Laughing Lord and round the R'hllor trait) and maybe I will publish it here too.

1 comment

Benrik 1

Please do post that other deck :)