Long Night, Vast Journey — China National 2024 Winner

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Superduck 160


Playing The Long Voyage is quite a different feeling, though shuffling is a tough thing.

It is a builder deck and Sentinel Stand is a crazy card.

In order to avoid The First Snow of Winter and The Mad King's Command, I cut some 3-cost characters and run some jumpers. Since you can have 100 cards, you can bring whatever you want to bring.

Hope you enjoy and have fun! It is a great year and looking forward to meeting you in Stahleck next year.

PS: I forget Craven and The Haunted Forest pod have been already removed. LoL


TRYHRDRf1sh 46

Congratulation on here as well m8. Another great performance from our AI ;-) I played the deck a bit before Stahleck and it is absolute nuts. Well built and even better played!


WOW. Nice!

What would you cut for The Haunted Forest?

Yusei 7

The Crone and Sentinel Stand shall be locked in POD

PeterTargaryen 1

Congratulations! Best Superduck, best champion, best voyage!

Superduck 160

See you next Spring @PeterTargaryen

Superduck 160

Thank you! Perhaps when I woke and improved Fortifications. I think it is really free to replace anything. @WQB

Superduck 160

Really thank you and your support all the time! See you in Stahleck next year! @TRYHRDRf1sh

mak 324

Great job Superduck for playing a 100 cards deck in person! It's indeed a lot of shuffling 🙂 Congrats on the win!

弱风 1

The best player of CN !