[Slaver's Bay] Shadow Armies (v1.13 Rotation)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

DanielUnu 1

Greetings! I built this series of 16 rotation testing (v1.13) decks for our casual playing group.

A member of our group came up with this geniusly built deck. I am sharing his writeup here:

Idea is to repeatedly cheat out Lord Tywin's Host and gain lots of value from it.

Aegon Targaryen (TSC) pulls it from deck and returns it to hand, Hear Me Roar! pulls it from hand and discards it, Burning Bright pulls it from discard.

Hear Me Roar! also works for Tyrion Lannister (TB) (use his own effect to return himself to shadows, and pull him out again in the next phase if you have cash remaining, which refreshes his effect...!!), Cersei Lannister (DitD) (so that you can put her back into shadows with Tyrion, it's essentially another way of setting up quickly), Ser Mandon Moore (so you can pull him with burning bright later)

Burning Bright also works for King's Landing Mob (one time use) and Ser Mandon Moore (if you can put him back into shadows for later use).

At the Gates -> Lion Gate/Gates of the Moon

Check out the other decks:

We are a vibrant group in the US Bay Area. We meet weekly and new friends are very welcome. Come join us if you are nearby! Feel free to reach out to me by emailing me at daniel.ccy117@gmail.com or finding me on Discord @danielunu in either the FO or GOT server.

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