[Slaver's Bay] Drowned Prince (v1.13 Rotation)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Drowned Gods - 1st place Spanish National & Stahleck TeamEve 22 18 7 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

DanielUnu 1

Greetings! I built this series of 16 rotation testing (v1.13) decks for our casual playing group.

This deck is derived from https://thronesdb.com/decklist/view/15428/drowned-gods-1st-place-spanish-national-stahleck-teameve-1.0.

Make Tarle the Thrice-Drowned (TFM) your Prince (Or maybe Victarion Greyjoy (ATT)? Haven't tried that yet).

Losing Priest of the Drowned God (NMG) is indeed a bad thing, but you can still consistently win the game at round 4-5. Personally, I would prefer The Wars To Come (R) because you don't want to lose the powers that you could've gained on other characters through renown, Driftwood Cudgel, and Drowned Disciple (R).

Check out the other decks:

We are a vibrant group in the US Bay Area. We meet weekly and new friends are very welcome. Come join us if you are nearby! Feel free to reach out to me by emailing me at daniel.ccy117@gmail.com or finding me on Discord @danielunu in either the FO or GOT server.

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