Trading Icons, a Bara/Sun control deck.

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Bastard Control 1 0 2 2.0

magikot 33

This is a control deck that I've been having a great time with. It is currently 5-2 across two GNKs (3-1 and 2-1). Between controlling my opponent's icons, kneeling characters, cancelling effects, targeted discard and random sniping of characters, power, and cards this deck can attack wherever your opponent is weakest as long as it's able to stall until the mid- to late-game. That means its toughest match-ups are explosive rush decks like Tyrell/Crossing (though I've beaten two that couldn't go off thanks to The Hand's Judgement) and decks with a high level of stealth to get around my characters with high claim unopposed challenges.


The King's Peace - This is something that I'm testing in the deck. I'm finding it works better in Melee than in Joust. This was originally a Heads on Spikes and may well be again. It could also be a Confiscation if you're really afraid of Milks.

Other than that the plots are fairly straight forward. Noble Cause and Trading are your economy plots, Calm is also money but used to buy you time. Counting and Summons help you dig for Mel or other key cards. Wildfire is board wipe and best used after Trading.


As with any Bara deck you really want to get a Melisandre in your opening hand for setup or to marshal turn 1. I aggressively mulligan for her and if I still don't have her there is a greater than 70% chance she'll show up with a turn 1 summons.

Nymeria Sand and Maester Caleotte help with icon control, while Rattleshirt's Raiders and Maester Cressen work on eliminating enemy attachments.

Bastard Daughter is a great claim soak. Not only do they get Nymeria's icons, they are free 1 claim intrigue whenever they die. Have a board of them and play Wildfire? It just because a 4 claim intrigue plot.

Vanguard Lancer does the same with power. Sniping power off of opponent's faction cards are a great way to make the game go long. As the game goes long your incremental advantages start to pile up.

Palace Spearman is in here because this deck REALLY wants to go second, which makes this card one of the most efficient tri-cons in the game.

The rest of the character spread is pretty standard Bara. Selyse protects from Tyrs, Davos never dies, Robert and Stannis lock down the board, Fiery Followers give you dom, Littlefinger gives you much needed income and more card draw.


Only 4 attachments. Milks make enemy Nymerias into very expensive paperweights and help stop Balon from being stupid powerful. Lightbringer over King Robert's Warhammer because of the R'hllor trigger and being able to constantly stand Stannis or Robert is a good way to get around Stannis' ability.


The Red Keep is probably the best card draw location in the game. Sunspear helps you gain 2 claim on challenges that will be easiest to push through. Iron Throne and Chamber are for 2 power during Dom.


Confinement helps for protecting you against challenges or can be used offensively in combo with Sunspear to get through your 2 claims.

Seen In Flames is more R'hllor support and targeted discard.

Tears of Lys - this one I'm not fully sold on. It could as easily be Put to the Sword or removed entirely for another copy of Iron Throne, Chamber, and Stannis. That said, with the ability to remove so many intrigue icons you shouldn't have much issue playing this card.

Two copies of The Hand's Judgment finish off the deck.


Lawyer 426

I'm playing a very similar deck since the release of the core set, the real issue with this deck is the draw engine. I'm Trying 2x Moon Boy to not depend only from The Red Keep. I Don't like The King's Peace i prefer 2x Filthy Accusations for more control of the table in assing with Mel and Rob and the icon control

Ryaxs 154

I was thinking about a similar deck, go to thronesdb to play with the cards a bit, see this as the 1st deck on the front page.

Thank you sir, can't wait to tweak and try it out :) I might have to cut a Tear because i'm fueling 2 decks with my core sets, so I'll probably try PttS or an Obara Sand.

magikot 33

@Lawyer Moon Boy would be a great addition to the deck that I'll need to work in. I'm not a big fan of filthy in Bara because they have so much kneel to begin with. A Clash of Kings, Heads on Spikes, or A Game of Thrones could all easily take the place of the King's Peace.

@Ryaxs I would probably go with Obara. She helps ensure the Red Keep can fire and she gets nymeria support meaning she could act as a pseudo tri-con. Put is a good option if you want the kill though.

Ryaxs 154

So far this deck has been the nightmare of my girlfriend and her Targ Fealty deck. We later reworked her deck into Targ/Lion and it still holds up. I do run Filthy Accusation instead of King's Peace. Between Melisandre, Confinement, Filthy, Milk, Nymeria, you can lock out one power character for so long.

Can't wait to try it this weekend in a SC!

magikot 33

I'm glad you've been enjoying it so much @Ryaxs. Let me know how it turned out for you! I've already been hard at work testing the next version of the deck. Gendry and the Armory coming out in the new pack are amazing. Attainted, Moon Boy and a few other cards have been included as well.

Ryaxs 154

Finished 3-1 with a modified win to land on 5th place out of 19. Liked the deck but got completly destroyed by a Tyrell of the Crossing.