Warrior of Light

Daxam 20
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee

Tyrell Try

Eltralu 8
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee

Knight Deck!

zachbaudoin09 1
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee

Light of the Seven

SYX 65
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee

NATS 2019

Hardie 42
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee


MasonTheTodd 1
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee

You Don't Survive

Aleroker 1 Relaxed
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee


LordGoshy 66
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee


LordGoshy 66
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee

ride for blood 2

megrim 1
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee