House Tyrell. Loyal.
Location. Cost: 1.


Bestow (3).

Marshaling Action: Kneel Olenna's Wheelhouse and discard 1 gold from it to remove a character you control from the game until the beginning of the next phase.

Jette Bittermann
Ten Thousand Ships #76.

Link: Decklists

Olenna's Wheelhouse

Rules FAQ

  • When a character is removed from play by Olenna's Wheelhouse, it leaves play as normal: any non-terminal attachments on it are returned to their owner's hands, any terminal attachments and tokens are discarded, any lasting or delayed effects affecting it expire. At the beginning of the next phase, that character enters play under its owner's control, standing.

  • The character returns to play before the forced reaction of The First Snow of Winter or The Mad King's Command resolves.

  • Barring the Gates and The Iron Bank Will Have Its Due do not prevent the character from returning to play, but Highgarden Sept or a kneeling Iron Emmett can. If the character cannot return to play at the beginning of the next phase, it stays removed from the game indefinitely. (Source.)

  • If you remove a unique character from the game, it will not be able to return to play if there is a copy of it in your dead pile, or if there is a copy that you own in play under an opponent's control. If there is a copy that you own in play under your control, the character will enter play as a duplicate (assuming that you also own the copy of the card that was removed from the game).

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