Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
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None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for |
None yet. |
Templar79 22
This my deck on Online 2024. Who knows what the deck could achieve with a good pilot. I finish 3-3, but my both games with @trojant and @teamjimby (in the round 4 nad 5) I lose, because I make huge mistake in The Mad King's Command turn my opp. I chose wrong location and in next round my eco is so bad, so I cant play Coldhands. This deck dont win many challenge, but grab power in every round. After all the games I think that Benjen Stark should have one slot and should put 2 copy In the Name of Your King!, and 2 copy Motley. Thanks to all organizers. see you in a year
The King's Peace, on competitive deck?! That is amazing. Thank you for sharing this odd and awesome deck! |
This deck gave me so much trouble, and I was very lucky to escape with a win. I never knew I could hate Dolorous Edd or Parley at Storm's End so much! It didn't come up in our game, but I love the Motley here and the combo with Patchface. I was surprised that you didn't run Valar Morgulis, especially since you can remove dupes with the Mutineers or Coldhands, and you have Duel to punish decks with multiple big characters. Were you happy with Valar Dohaeris or did you wish you had VM (either instead of or in addition to VD)? |
There are 2 Things, I wanted to mention
Did you ever build a deck without The Wall (Core)? ;-) I love your buildings, always very unique!