Card draw simulator |
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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mariusmessenger 122
The Greatest Ranging
Now that The Lord of the Crossing, The Watch Has Need, Qhorin Halfhand and The Watcher on the Walls are rotating out, it feels like the last chance to publish this deck.
Funny enough, while I was out for a walk, I found myself watching crows in the fields as I decided to take some notes:
Achievements 2024
- 5-3 Stahleck
- Top 4 German Nationals
- Top 16 Online Worlds
- Top 16 CoW Summer (Yep. I played the same deck every game.)
- Top 8 CoW Spring (It counts! :D The only game I played with another deck was against Aljosha in the Top 32. We had played one month earlier in the cut at 'Spring at the Wall' and we both knew his deck was a hard counter.)
This is a very simple, straightforward deck, allowing you to focus on the major decisions. I still believe that, with a better pilot, this deck could have absolutely won a major title in Joust.
About the Deck
I have a strong bond with this type of Ranger deck. I won my first Store Championship in Ulm back in 2018 with it, shortly after Haunted Forest Scout was released. We met great people there: Melle, David, Rene, and Helmut. At that time, traveling with Dennis to various tournaments across southern Germany and connecting with the GoT community for the first time was an absolute blast.
Sea of Blood: After the release of Sea of Blood, the core of my Ranger SoB Decks wasn‘t much different, apart from the typical events. The release of Yoren (TB) and Bound for the Wall (TB) was totally bonkers and made it stronger than ever.
Post-FFG Era: Dywen, Iron Emmett, Great Ranging as 3x, in combination with The Watch Has Need, made this deck faster and highly reset-resilient due to more 4g+ characters and of course: dupes, dupes, dupes.
Road to Stahleck: In 2023, Christoph made it to the cut at Stahleck with a similar decklist (props to you buddy). The following year, this deck was still legal, so I had to give it another try. In 2024, I made some changes, played it in tournaments, and finally…
…I made it to the cut at Stahleck - but in Melee! :D The format I’m not comfortable playing. With a different plot deck and, of course, 3x You Know Nothing and Coldhands. In Joust, I went 5:3, beating 3 out of 4 Dothraki Hordes in epic horse battles :D
Thank you!
My journey with GoT feels like going on a ranging beyond the Wall with lesser- or better-known brothers and sisters, all sharing the same love. New places, new people, new challenges. I am grateful to be a part of it.
Thank you to every single one of you for all the amazing experiences, and to everyone who has kept and continues to keep the game alive - especially the Global Operations Team. I’m excited for Rotation!
The new tapestry would go in here if you play another one or two unique locations, albeit Fist is already being tutored.