House Greyjoy, Banner of the Sun - Needs Help!

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

betta 1

Hi everyone! First deck I publish, mainly because I have fun with this but cannot seem to win a thing XD I think I have the characters about right, I played a bit with Syrio Forel but usually I drew him and Nymeria Sand together and it was not very fun since they cannot be discounted. So I placed Arianne Martell instead, since she can help with the economy. I'm strugglying mostly with events; I know I have too many but I don't know what to cut! Also, any comments on the plots? I think 2x Wildfire Assault is huge since, in case something happens to Balon Greyjoy, I don't want my oppo to swarm his board with weenies. Finally, do you think this has any chances agaisnt fancy knights decks? Thank you!

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