Sand Snakes on the Wall

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Onetribe 14

This deck is in developement since the inclusion of Nymeria Sand and she's the star player in this deck for sure. The idea refined a bit with the newly introduced Attainted making it even more intrigue centric deck. That made Tears of Lys more entertaining The obvious problem with it is this new knight plot that I find really stupid-ish. That's why you need Wildfire Assault to possibly limit the number of knights. Firing it up might have some additional effects since the first ones to be burned are of course Bastard Daughter Ser Waymar Royce and Benjen Stark. For that reason it is not that wise to duplicate Benjen sometimes.


In Doran's Name or A Meager Contribution? - I played with MC a fair bit and it sometimes clashes with the fact that you'd like to be first and second at the same time. Also the former gives you 2-3 gold on the turn on which you'll most likely want to play a body and one of locations. That being said I'm not sold on any of the options.

Trading with the Pentoshi - I've never been hit with Naval. If I ever will, I'll just offer my hand. However I think it is needed in NW to launch a turn with The Wall and some bodies. Don't overcommit with little people when Trading. Follow it up with Wildfire if your opponent is unwise enough to actually overcommit.

The Sword in the Darkness - I haven't tested it yet as it's a recent addition, but the idea is to wait with Nymeria action until the opponent initiates the challenge, then steal this icon and overload the challenge.

Here to Serve - Maester Caleotte is very very strong and what is very important, it is equally strong when you're the first player. Always send him first to attack. He either wins or... wins. This enables to play this deck even i.

Setup - that's the weakness of this deck. I've included Desert Scavenger to make up for that a bit but I had no chance to test it in a real game.

Littlefinger - yes, 2 of them. Sometimes a fairly good setup char, if there's no other economy.

I'll appreciate any feedback.


msetter 1

Nice list, any thoughts to The Boneway instead of The Sword in the Darkness? May help setup a little bit and give a little power burst if you can pull it off. I'm also trying to make NW work but having trouble with this cardpool/meta. Any thoughts to more than 33 characters as well?

Onetribe 14

My initial thought about the The Boneway is heavily blackened by Newly-Made Lord. Altough on second thought, if just losing a challenge is enough... Might be that it could be fully loaded in 2 turns. And our ugly lord has enough targets already so maybe giving up one Castle Black to try it is not such a bad idea. Number of characters is of course a bare minimum and if at any point any of events or locations will be proven not that useful, I'll up it a bit.

Onetribe 14

If only The Boneway would be loyal...