House Greyjoy, Crossing - Regionals Vienna Top 4 out of 34 P

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
2nd place Leiden Regionals 6-1 (4-0 in swiss) 10 9 13 1.0

RoflRoy 22

Lost ~ 12 - 15 to Lanni/Fealty in Swiss (1st place) Lost 10 - 11 to Lanni/Kraken in semi finals (runners up)

The deck did pretty well against pretty much everything.

Euron Crow's Eye: I wasn't sure if I should build a deck around him or not. I did and he was a beast boosting my economy in two of my games.

Wildling Scout v House Maester: In testing I almost never used the sacrifice and stealth ability of the Wildlings, but over the course of the tournament I used it literally in every game. Just don't hesitate to sac them!

Seal of the Hand: Was obviously for the Bara match up, which is with and without Stannis the worst match up, especially with The Lord of the Crossing. 2 x Seal of the Hand was a good thing, even vs. non-Bara. Being able to stand Euron and co. helps getting 3 attacks in a round, even if the board is small (Wildfire Assault and The First Snow of Winter).

Confiscation was a last replacement for Weapons at the Doorsince I was using Seal and Milk.


RoflRoy 22

Update Just added some comments

Pizzasso 1

Solid deck for a complete beginner.

FSDW2073 1

Steady deck. But Im afraid its s still not enough against the mighty Jonathan.