The Night's Watch. Non-Loyal.
Attachment. Cost: 1.



Reaction: After a challenge is initiated against you in which attached character is attacking alone, kneel Insubordination to kill attached character.

"Do you hear me, boy? I will not have it!" Janos Slynt
Lukasz Jaskolski
Children of Summer #30.

Link: Decklists


Rules FAQ

  • Insubordination only works on defence. A challenge you initiate yourself is not a challenge initiated against you.

  • In a Melee game, you can trigger Insubordination when a challenge is initiated against you and then redirected to another player, but you cannot trigger it when a challenge is initiated against another player and then redirected to you.

  • If a character becomes "attacking alone" before the reaction window to a challenge being initiated has closed, you can trigger Insubordination to kill it. For instance, this can happen if cards like A Wall of Roses, Ser Emmon Cuy or Dreadfort Maester are used to remove other attackers in the same reaction window, or if a character dies due to something like Blood of the Dragon immediately after the challenge is initiated. On the other hand, if cards like Old Wyk or Azor Ahai Reborn are used to bring in an additional attacker, Insubordination can no longer be triggered after that.

  • Attached character can be saved from the kill effect of Insubordination. If that happens, Insubordination will simply kneel and remain attached.

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