Tyrell - Rains of Castamere (Cy 4 - Ch 6 - V 2)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Tyrell - Rains of Castamere - End of Cycle 4 2 3 1 1.0
Inspiration for
Tyrell - Rains of Castamere 0 0 0 1.0
Tyrell - The Wars to Come 0 0 0 3.0

Benji 764

This deck is the result of training friends for Hand's Tourney. It is an upadte of Harren's CE deck and of the list I previously posted.

Change I made and suggestions :

  • 2,4 or 6 economic costs. I only play 3 or 5 cards if they have a very good reason to be played.

  • Adding Mace Tyrell x3 + The Hightower x3 + The first reason is to have an additional strong synergy. The second reason is that I have only 9 economic location. With Hightower and Paxter I have 14 economics cards.

  • Summer Plotline : Mainly because I realized the ideal way to play Tyrell is to have an uninterruted flux toward the table. And you need economy to do so because Tyrell cards are expensive.

I cut The First Snow of Winterbecause you are not so beneficial with it. In order to have a reset, I put Wildfire Assault instead of Breaking Ties.

  • Calling the Banners instead of A Noble Cause because I think the risk of shaky economy at Turn 2 worth it if you have initiative 6. It could also be perceived as a "finisher" plot thanks to initiative. You will not necessary play it at Turn 2.

  • Confiscation instead of Weapons at the Door because I prefer get rid of a problem than delaying it. I assume weakness to heavy negative attachments strategies.

  • Leyton Hightower has been tested in a dedicated deck. He is very good in the appropriate circunstances, with Mace, Hightower or Paxter. And he is Lord for Margaery Tyrell (AMAF). He is good but not stellar. But good enough to be added x1.

  • 2-gold locations Horn Hill and Renly's Pavilion are a bit expensive but they are the only reusable STR boosts. They are also a proctetion for Hightower. The first is bestowed at 2 most of the time. If Randyll is here, I consider Bestow 1 is enough.

  • I finally prefer The Roseroad to Arbor Vineyard in order to have six 0-gold cost locations at setup.

  • Highgarden Courtier are in x2 because you will not systematically give STR boosts and they have very poor statistics. But they cost 2 and provides additional claim soaker.

Most Flexible cards :

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