The Night's Watch

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Jamiezxiv 15

Let me know what you guys think. Deck designed with the fluff of the nights watch - defend the wall.

1 comment

uBaH 139

You are missing some really key cards in the deck.

Dolorous Edd - Jumping from hand for the int Challenge is really strong. Helps with FSoW turns.

Arry - Draw and a Challenge jumper as well.

Ser Alliser Thorne - I think you have 2 to many. He is really expensive for his effect

Here to Serve - I can't stress how important the plot is. I also run 2x House Maester to help with the Power Icons

Practice Blade - Another surprise factor and [Mil] icon. Also helps vs those pesky Raidingships. Also Sweet Donnel Hill loves the card.

Halder - Challenge math and [Pow] icon. You really need them.

Milk of the Poppy - Not sure why it is missing.

Everything else is personal preference for the event base and if you want Jon Snow (Core) or/and Old Bear Mormont. The deck seems a little to focused on Econ and that will not save you. Wildfire Assault may help in that matter.