New deck: House Lannister, Banner of the Sun
slevin38 1
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
New deck: House Lannister, Banner of the Sunslevin38 1
Lanni/Bara TempoMarginal0 1
Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game.jaypeedaylee 36
Death by Seablizzyblake2486 1
Watched in Flames (2 Core version)x_chan99 1
Lady Stark's Rose (2 Core version)x_chan99 1
Its a Sea MonstahBergerFett 7
New deck: House Targaryen, Banner of the LionBlackader 1
New deck: House Martell, Banner of the Lionkpom 1
Two Guys, One Deck: Greyjoy Banner of the Lion (#7)agktmte 1491
Sand Snakes on the WallOnetribe 14
House Baratheon, kneel before the king, FealtyDrathilion 1
Targ Fealty: Gauntlet Deckscantrell24 3398
Baratheon Fealtyscantrell24 3398
Lanni Sun (No Varys)scantrell24 3398
House Greyjoy, Banner of the Sun - Needs Help!betta 1
Martell of the Crossingkozak 1
The Night's Watch, Banner of the SunZack_Price 243
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Knights get renown, you winMalkavski 55
Kraken in HeatZack_Price 243
New deck: House Tyrellnombrechungo 1
New deck: House Greyjoy, Banner of the RoseGherkin 1
War is ComingFisrath 7
Tyrell - The Lord of the Crossingservetz 30
Melee Greyjoy/Tyrellpyrovoice 1
Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game.jaypeedaylee 36
The Night's Watch Fealty (8 of 8 - 2 Cores)doomnote 214
Baratheon Fealty (7 of 8 - 2 Cores)doomnote 214
Targaryen Fealty (6 of 8 - 2 Cores)doomnote 214
Stark Fealty (5 of 8 - 2 Cores)doomnote 214