Every Rose has its Throne

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.


I've been using the Sam Braatz deck for a while and having a lot of fun with it. I finally decided to try and update it after my friend kept beating me with Lanni/Targ. Basically my idea was to use Nymeria Sand, Attainted,Confinement and Maester Caleotte to take away icons (usually intrigue from Lannister characters) and then drain my opponent's hand with my own intrigue challenges and hopefully follow up with a Tears of Lys for the big characters. I threw in a Counting Coppers after running into some trouble with card draw which works great if played after The Long Plan so the low income doesn't hurt you. I really wanted to keep Tyrell in the deck because Left and Right really have been great for me and of course putting in Olenna's Informant for Arianne Martell is incredible if done at the right time. This is the first deck I've published and if anyone has some tips or changes I'd love to hear them I'm constantly looking for ways to make it better!

1 comment

hansn 90

Hey Scoop, I just took a very similar deck to the top in my local SC, I was playing 5 different houses so got the deck stress tested against many different decks. Anyway enough about bragging and lets get down to things I learned from my own deck.

Like you Sam Braatz deck was the foundation which I built mine from, made a single change in the plots Calm Over Westeros for The Long Plan, it never failed me. Naval Superiority is absolutely fantastic in a deck built around mini curve, the impact it can have on the game is utterly amazing.

Varys is absolutely the king in my deck and Arianne Martell the Queen (in Denmark the current ruling king is actually the Queen), The ability to drop in anything is insanely useful. I only runs 2 copies of Nymeria Sand and never missed the 3rd copy, she is very useful, but served more as a decoy, so Arianne Martell could do her magic without much attention.

Also Sunspear proved very useful especially paired up with Olenna's Informant popping in to say hallo in the challenge phase.

Consider Syrio Forel in you deck, again that card can do wonder for you, a mil icon on Maester Caleotte, stealth as well.

How have 3 copies of Attainted and Milk of the Poppy performed in your deck? I reduced both of down 2 copies each in favour of more characters, did'nt have a game where i desperately needed them.

Consider The Hand's Judgment instead of In Doran's Name, you're running a pretty low curve deck so the extra gold might not be that useful.