Bend - Core Set Only - Friendly Open

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Bend the Knee - 1st Place Kingsmoot Tournament 94 80 12 1.0
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FriendlyOpen 933

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Core Set Cards

A Friendly Open review: House Baratheon Fealty.


Learn the basics of the game starting from the Core Set. We are reviewing decks that performed well, back in 2015, and why they were good back then. The idea is to help newer player understand the existent mechanics within a faction. Some of these mechanics are still strong today, many years later.


Kneeling and Dominance.

The gameplan:

The main objective of the Bara player is to keep in check the level of the opponent. With their tools, Baratheon will control the board of the opponent by kneeling the opponent's character and stealing in the dominance's phase.


Try to get a combination of the following in your starting hand:

As in any deck, a starting hand with an economy card (limited locations, Dragonstone Port, The Kingsroad, The Roseroad) is always advantageous. Optionally Littlefinger (Core) and Dragonstone Faithful are there to help. Note: Littlefinger (Core) would be better if used in marshalling for his draw ability.


Key cards:

We inspired ourselves with a deck that performed well in 2015, made by Tsarcastic. You can contact the Friendly Open on Discord where you'll find more advanced decks, discussion with other players and you'll find information on how to join our weekly tournaments. We hope this deck will help you learn more the basics of the game. Enjoy! :)

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